Mackley Genealogy


Welcome to, our new and improved (free) online obituary and census search web site!
This site was created by Ed & Sandy Mackley November 1, 2000,On line March 8 2001.
(formerly Ed and Sandy Mackley's, Missouri Families and Missouri Census Images)

We are providing free online access to obituary and census images for deceased individuals from
the state of Missouri going back to the 1830s, and we're expanding our coverage to other states as well.

Your interest has really spurred our growth! Our database currently holds
over 50,000 census images and over 68,000 obituary images.

We invite you to browse through our pages to find your family's roots or ancestors and encourage
you to share with us any obituaries and/or census images that you may have
for the benefit of the Community.

If you are a library or other organization within the United States wishing to put your census
and/or obituary data online, please send us a note using our Contact page.

Copyright @ 2009, All Rights Reserved (Rev. 25 :: 0.7273)